squeee the lemon...make it as lemon juice.suck it all.Allah is forever wit you.

Friday, July 22, 2011



Terasa goyah sikit..terasa lalai sikit..*sikit ke?
To change for good is never easy
Cik Tan ade jer menyibuk
so friends..help me through..
pleasee..[muka kiut]

Notakaki: Perbaharuilah imanmu setiap hari dengan ungkapan "Lailahailallah"

Esok Daurah Fikrah Kita..^^

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Sampaikanlah daripadamu walaupun sepotong ayat….

I was thinking of rewriting my blog all over again...hopefully a new look will bring more benefit than before. As I am responsible for every single thing that I wrote down.*sigh*
Life is short…and we will never know when will be our last day in this so called "dunia" aite?

Dia (Allah) berfirman, " Kamu tinggal (dibumi) hanya sebentar
sahaja, jika kamu benar-benar mengetahui". 
Maka apakah kamu mengira bahawa kami menciptakan 
kamu main-main(tanpa ada maksud) dan bahawa kamu tidak akan dikembalikan kepada kami?

Have you figure out why you are created?

and there are questions to ponder before we close our eyes every single night

Are we ready to face our khaliq?
Have we repented for every single sin that we made?
Have we completed two missions given by Allah?
OR do we even realize what the purposes of LIFE are?

so..lets us

bermuhasabah for a better tomorrow
repent for every single sin made today
and pray that we will be alive for tomorrow

To change from zero to hero ain’t easy…and to turn to 180 degree is not easy either…and it starts from tiny steps. So, lets remind each other.lets hold hand together..and make our journey toward jannah..may Allah bless.

Link for video of the day..reality ummah.

notakaki: its totally random thoughts..but i just think that I have to write it down.and I'm too sleepy to edit the pictures. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pen and paper

If someone ask you to take a pen and paper
and then to write down your aims in life
what your purpose of life are
what will be your answer....


If our answer are not for 
mencari redha Allah
or mencari syurga Allah
or anything regarding our creator
we should start now...

I once heard, people are scared of admitting the real purpose 
of life because it is a big responsibility for them to 
carry living in this so called "dunia"
so..pretend not to know seems to be the best choice for them.

lets reset our niat of living..in everything
we should start to rethink
and Allah had stated in the Holy Quran.

"Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia,
melainkan agar mereka beribadah kepada-Ku"

"Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhan-mu Berfirman kepada para malaikat, 
"Aku hendak menjadikan khalifah
di bumi."


notakaki: the reality is always scary..but its better to know it know than later.(^^)v 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


  Kadang-kadang kita yang letih untuk memohon keampunan..sedangkan ALLAH tak pernah letih untuk mengampunkan hambaNya..^^