squeee the lemon...make it as lemon juice.suck it all.Allah is forever wit you.

Thursday, August 30, 2012



This morning...as I scrolled through the Facebook updates...I stumbled upon my senior's post about Mas Afzal.again.reading his blog before.It was just inspiring.there is no word that can describe how much suffering that he had went through.yet...the never ending spirit of him light others life.erti hidup pada memberi?he showed it well...

To be at his place, this little heart of mine.whom whine over small matters,whom disregard learning because I just have no motivation of doing all these.me.i bet this small heart will never grow big with that much of test from Him.I bet Allah loves him,to give him such test.:')

After long silence, Mas Afzal's mom wrote this-heart-melting short post about his son.How he affected others in every way possible. Just by reading this post, I learnt one thing, be the one who enlighten others. Because you never know when will you need to leave this stop, and return to where you belong to.indeed life is short.

So, here today.reflecting on my own self whom often get mad, high tempered homo sapien.the one who doesn't know how to act as "soft spoken"...socially awkward and easily get annoyed with people.heyyyy,you are not living in this world with no purpose.and you don't know when is your end day too.changing...or at least try to change.kick out all those bad habit of yours.change to please Allah because He likes all the good characters.bit by bit...the tiny baby steps are counted.:)

This is one of the curahat...shortened from curahan hati.xD..

QUT Kelvin Grove

1813 300812 room s305

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